h o m e c o n t a c t


It is Said the Men are Over in the Steel Tower

by Hideo Tsuchida, directed by Ronit Muszkatblit
 woken'glacier and Theatre Arts Japan— March 2nd – 18th 2007

Impossible Lorca - A Theatrical Hat Trick

by Federico García Lorca , directed by Melissa Fendell
 Milk Can Theatre Company — March 6 2006

The Child Dreams (staged reading)

by Hanoch Levin, directed by Ronit Muszkatblit
 woken'glacier and VOICETheatre— February 21 2006

Cop Out

by John Guare, directed by Ronit Muszkatblit
Red Radar Productions — October 2005

Musical director

Sound excerpts


"who dunit, my love"

words and music by John Guare

version 1 - sultry
version 2 - bossa nova

Melissa Fendell - vocals

original music



by Heiner Müller, directed by Ronit Muszkatblit
 woken'glacier — March 2005 workshop performances

live, action-driven interactive sound

Video excerpts (320x240 MPEG4 QuickTime)

01:27 - 9MB 01:26 - 8 MB
00:51 - 4.8MB 05:10 - 32MB

seal sings its song

by Matthew Paul Olmos, directed by Eriko Ogawa
 woken'glacier — February-March 2005

incidental music and sound design

share and share alike

by Michael Glassman, directed by Roni Yacobovitz
 TSI/PlayTime — August 2003

musical director

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

c o n t a c t